Bree Bellucci
The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 3
“Crap!” Ava exclaimed, sucking on her sorefinger. She had gotten it caught in the sewing machine, this wasn'tthe time to become distracted by thinking of all the different waysshe could try to escape. She had been held captive at Valanya forsix days now and her days were beginning to blur together. She wasslowly making progress with The Overlord and she was finding thatthe more willing she was in bed paid off double outside thebedroom. The Overlord had stayed true to his word and was rewardingAva for her good behavior. The sewing machine was his latest giftto her and Ava was adding an embellishment to a basic black skirtthat had been hanging in her closet.
She was passing the time after breakfastuntil her meeting with The Overlord late that morning. Breakfasthad been yet another horrible display this morning, a two-headedgrotesque Siamese-twin fucked three women on the breakfast table.To make matters worse, her best friend Michelle had been one ofthose women and it seemed like she had enjoyed every minute. Avahardly recognized Michelle now. Her friend was already getting areputation for being one of the most slutty and most showyprisoners to ever be held captive. Ava was still convinced that shewas being slipped some sort of additional aphrodisiac.
While Ava was making some leeway with TheOverlord she still felt her plans of escape were pathetic. She hadbarely said three words to Franco over the past few days and shehad no access to the turret where Mia was being held. Michelle wasof course a useless case, and Jolie remained tight-lipped thoughAva knew she would be able to count on her when the time came.
It was strange, for as monstrous as TheOverlord was, he seemed to have a soft and tender side and Avaalmost felt guilty for taking advantage of him in such a way. Thenshe reminded herself that she was also being held prisoner in a sexdungeon. She and Michelle should have returned home by now and shewondered what her fiance Drew was going to do. Ava imagined hisdesperation and fear at not being able to contact her over the pastweek. Thinking of Drew only upset her more, and Ava tried to pushall thoughts of him aside; it made things too hard.
She worked for another hour and a half andwhen she had finally created the skirt she had in mind, sherealized that she had only five minutes until she would besummoned. She quickly dressed in a white blouse and white skirtwith strappy red heels. She had learned that The Overlord, orMaster as she was sometimes allowed to call him, preferred herdressed in white. Just as she fastened the last strap on her shoe,a knock came at the door. She opened it to find Franco waiting forher.
“I’m here to collect you,” he said in aprofessional tone. Ava tried not to hide her excitement at thechance to speak with Franco and she nodded as she followed him outinto the hallway.
“Have you come up with anything?” hewhispered as they walked to the elevator.
“No. I’m racking my brain.”
“We need some type of special event. I heardthat many years ago The Overlord threw a ball. There was once ahuman he loved very dearly and he did it for her.”
Ava’s mind raced. Anything that would changethe normal routine at the castle would be the most advantageoustime for them to plan something.
“Okay. I’ll try mentioning it to him.”
They stepped into the elevator.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do aboutyour friend Michelle. She is out of control.”