Bree Bellucci
Gangbang With The Beasts
The exercise studio at Christiana Hospital was full of panting sweaty women, with their bulging bellies heaving up and down stressing the seams of their yoga pants. There was soft music playing in the background, some satellite radio Top 40 station, the latest Katy Perry song was playing for the fifth time that hour.
“All right ladies! That should do it for today, I am so proud of all of you, especially the girls who look ready to pop,” shouted the yoga instructor with a big grin across her face. She was a fit energetic woman with bleached blonde hair pulled back in a tight pony tail that accentuated her face lift. Emily was put off by the instructor more often than not, perhaps it was her blatantly fake boob job and the fact that she still wore the same sized sports bra’s she wore before the surgery. Personalities aside, Emily had to admit that the instructor was a great motivator and fairly knowledgeable.
Emily and Claire had been coming to the pregnant yoga classes for the past few weeks. Their doctor suggested that they stay active and keep exercising to ensure that their pregnancies go smoothly. He prescribed pregnant yoga three times a week and pregnant massages at least once a week, Emily looked forward to the massages much more.
“Hey Em what do you say we hit the Starbucks and get a couple of Frappuccinos?” Claire asked, “I’m so fucking thirsty.” She wiped the sweat from her brow and adjusted her sports bra.
“Do you have to wear just that bra to class? You look like such a skank with those tits popping out, you’re giving the instructor a run for her money,” Emily jibbed.
“I suppose I should wear a big baggy t-shirt to yoga like you? I’m sorry but just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t still be sexy. I need all the positive reinforcement I can get right now and it’s nice to know that some men would still want to fuck me even though I look like a cow,” she defended herself. “Don’t tell me you hate when guys stare at your body undressing you with their eyes, it makes you feel good too.”
“Yeah I get it but the funny thing is that there are no men in this class! It’s a pregnant yoga class, how many men do you know that are pregnant?” Emily laughed.
“Kiss my ass, besides Starbucks is a couple of blocks away and I say we walk there to see how many glances we can catch on the way.” Claire looked at Emily up and down, checking out her best friends figure, “You still got it Em, you’re tits are bigger than mine right now! And your ass looks great in those yoga pants. I was talking to Jim last night and he said that most guys find pregnant women even more attractive.”
“Funny you should mention that, I was talking to Brandon last night and he told me that my breasts were getting bigger because he thought they were filling with milk. What an idiot.” She dwelled on the thought for a minute, “But I guess it is nice that he still desires me, he certainly looks at me differently lately but I like it.”
“See? Now take that horrible t-shirt off you look like a trucker, and let’s go soak up some confidence,” Claire said with an enthusiastic smile.
Emily gave in after murmuring a few choice words under her breath. She grabbed her shirt tails and pulled up struggling to get it over her head, Claire helped her get the shirt the rest of the way. Her full breasts jiggled as she pulled the shirt over her sports bra. Emily was self-conscious of having her swollen belly bare for everyone to see. She knew that a pregnant figure was beautiful and that no one would say anything to her but she still wasn’t used to the transformation. She couldn’t wait to be skinny again.
“Look at those puppies!” Claire said a little too loudly, the instructor and a few other women looked over at them. “Now what have you possibly got to be ashamed of? You need to work what you got Em.” Claire did a little sha-sha-sha mockingly.
Emily was visibly red, “Can we just get on with it already?”