Bree Bellucci
Breeding the Female
Sophie came to on the damp earth floor. She was in darkness and moisture hung in the air. At first she was unsure of where she was or what had happened. Then suddenly the events of the past two days came flooding back and she sat up quickly, frantically looking around for the pack of wolves. Where was she now? The last thing she remembered had been the wolves coming out of the bushes and Rylan’s anger. Rylan had said the wolves wanted their turn with her. Sophie shuddered at the thought.
Sophie realized that she must be in a cave somewhere inside the mountains. She began to crawl on her hands and knees, unsure of the depth of the cave. She began to hear hushed voices and she strained her ears to better hear.
“Linwood, please!” Sophie heard Rylan beg. “Don’t let them touch her.” Sophie heard a sigh, and a voice she did not recognize but presumed to be Linwood, responded.
“You know the rules, Rylan. Any female brought to the clearing is one that must be shared with your brothers.”
Sophie gasped, horrified. They were referring to her!
“Except for the ownership right!” argued Rylan, fiercely.
“No one has expressed that right in seventy-five years,” Linwood argued, “It’s dead.”
“How can a right be dead because no one has expressed it?”
“Rylan, please!” Linwood sounded exasperated, “This pack is weak. You have brought back a most pleasing female. None of us can deny how she speaks to our senses,” Linwood paused, “There is something special about her, yet I cannot put my finger on it.”
“Linwood, please. I am begging you. I have grown fond of this girl,” Rylan’s voice dropped now, “I want her for my own,” he growled.
“I’m sorry, Rylan, but this is not possible. Perhaps if we were stronger, I would allow this, but we so rarely find females now. The humans have done well warning their offspring of the forest’s dangers.”
“No! I will not accept your decision!” Rylan exclaimed.
“Whether you accept it or not, is no matter to me,” Linwood said quietly, “As a member of this pack, you are bound to follow my law. I say the female belongs to the pack and your brothers may utilize her for their strength.”