Wet Desires
Chapter 1
The little girl was sprawled on top of her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about becoming a woman. Things were changing quickly for Martha.
She felt as if she were getting a little bit hornier every day. She didn't know what to do about it, either. She had been raised a strict Catholic, taught that having sex before marriage was a sin that would make her burn in hell forever.
Something was wrong.
She couldn't believe that anyone wanted her to suffer this way. She sprawled on her bed and sighed. The ache between her legs was terrible. This was one of those nights when she couldn't seem to think of anything but boys and sex and how much she needed to get fucked.
Martha was only fifteen years old and she would have been the first to admit that she didn't know very much.about life. Martha was a virgin in every sense of the word. She had never even been kissed passionately. She had never been on a date. The little girl had no idea what a come felt like.
Catholicism was cruel, -but as far as she could tell, sticking to the rules she had learned was the only way to spend eternity in heaven after she died. Martha's confusion had been enhanced by a book she had read only the previous week. The book told her that it was okay to masturbate. Indeed, the book had told her that it was NORMAL to jerk off, that EVERYONE did it. She had spent a lot of lonely nights in her room staring at her ceiling being an insomniac because of her lust that would not go away. She had been taught by her Mommy that touching herself in an impure manner would cause hah- to sprout from the palms of her hands.
She had been taught that jerking off would make her come down with a terminal case of acne, or that it would make her sterile so that she could never make babies. Now she had read a book that said that all of these axioms were lies, indeed, that they were lies told to Martha by her very own mother.
Her body was certainly telling her that it was okay to touch herself. It would take courage, but she knew she could do it. For the very first time in her life she was going to sin on purpose. She was going to willingly touch herself in an impure manner and she wasn't going to stop until she had given herself her very first orgasm.
Martha figured it was high time she found out what all of the fuss was about.