
The adventures of Lady Harpur Vol.3


Lord Ferrars

The assiduous attention which my husband paid to his professional duties kept him much from home, and therefore the entertainment of Lord Ferrars chiefly devolved on me. Jim had returned to her mother for a time, and his lordship and I were thus left very much to ourselves.

He did not seem to regret this much, for he evidently spared himself no pains to make his company agreeable and his person acceptable to me.

He even neglected his yacht that he might more entirely devote himself to the enjoyment of my society.

My husband watched the progress of events with increasing interest.

The idea of jealousy never entered his mind, nor had I the slightest thought of concealing anything from him. In fact, he often asked me at night, when fondly playing with my cunt or when lying on my breast after one of his delightful fucks, whether his lordship had yet made any advance or attempted any freedom? From some time, I had to say: 'No, with the exception of holding my hand and pressing it whenever he can.'

'Ah, he is only waiting for a good opportunity,' he would reply, 'or perhaps, he is wishing to ingratiate himself more in your goodwill, and thus render his conquest more secure; I expect you will soon have something funny to tell me, and what a grand fuck we shall then have together when he has oiled the way and you are telling all the details.'

Accordingly I never declined to walk with Lord Ferrars alone, but on the contrary offered him every facility. Still, from some unaccountable reason, he held back. Perhaps, it was my apparent, innocence and confiding simplicity that restrained him; or rather it might have been owing to that peculiar quality in our nature which prevents our grasping at once any object of desire that appears easy of attainment, whereas opposition or difficulties in the way only serve to arouse our energies and excite our ardour to obtain speedy possession.

However, one day he asked me to join him in exploring the rocky summit of a neighbouring height. We drove as far as we could by road, and then proceeded on foot to climb the steep ascent. Of course, in the more difficult places, his lordship had to show his gallantry by affording me his ready help. And he often found it necessary to put his arm round my waist; and once, when pushing me up a steep rock, he found it needful to place his hands on my bottom. He kept them there as long as he could, and even managed to press his fingers into the furrow between my well-rounded buttocks. And I have no doubt he easily distinguished through my light dress the swelling fullness of the lips which pouted in the luxurious hollows.