Editor's Note:
The pensionnat de demoiselles-or educational establishment for young ladies-from whence a number of the letters herein originated was sited just outside the ancient town of St-Germain-en-Laye which lies above the west bank of the Seine and obtains fine views of Paris. It was here that Henry IV built a magnificent chateau which nowadays draws many Continental visitors. That particular edifice was, however, patently of far less interest to the young ladies here involved than the one in which they were to receive some extremely unconventional education. It was obvious, to the Editor at least, from the ensuing correspondence that letters both written from the pensionnat and those received there were passed around among the most intimate of acquaintances. Hence much more was known between these bold young things than perhaps should have been, though the Editor does not wish to moralise in the matter and merely presents the epistles as they were written. The letters being printed in chronological order, the first is one from the Hon. Miss Blanche Fairfax Henderson to her closest friend in England, Miss Ethel Minster. One has no cause to doubt that both were of approximately the same age.
My dearest Ethel, I promised to write and tell you about my new school life here, and now I have had ten days of it and can give you a fair idea of what it is like. To begin with, it is about as unlike Mrs. Walter's establishment in Colchester as anything you can possibly imagine! There, as you remember all too well, we were kept grinding away at History and Geography and dull things of that kind. Did we not wear the dowdiest of clothes? How awful it was! The only thing I feel grateful to her for was her insistence that our corsets were always tightly laced, for I grew used to it as you did, and find that it is the same here. The Principal here, or “Madam” as we have to call her, is a handsome woman of about thirty-five, exquisitely dressed in the height of fashion and in such a way as to show off her superb figure. As soon as she learned that Papa is willing to spend almost any amount on me, she immediately carried me off to have me fitted out in the latest Parisienne style. Gone are my old brown, blue or black gowns, gone are my nasty old brown stockings (though all new, I confess, but I did not like them) and my plain shoes-all of which dear Mama insisted that I have, of course.
Madam was delighted to find that I was able to wear the smallest of corsets. She remarked upon the alluring curves of my hips as soon as I donned a small lacy one. Oh, how I wished you here to have tried one on as well! For stockings I purchased half a dozen pairs of black, blue and white-all delightfully patterned and of such sheer silk that I could not help but stand and gaze at my legs which looked quite transformed. My several dresses that I then purchased with her at a couturier's were more low-bodiced than Mama would ever allow and, would you believe, allow half of my breasts to show! As to boots and shoes, I can hardly describe them to you, being made of the finest and most supple leather with pointed toes and heels quite three inches tall. My hair was curled in the latest style by a most elegant and handsome male coiffeur, and all surmounted with a fashionable picture hat with a gauzy veil. Madam explained to me as we returned in a much-laden carriage that she intended to treat me as a senior pupil and would give me a bedroom on the upper floor where the five other senior girls slept. On Sunday afternoon we went out for a walk-that is to say Madam and I and my five new friends (though none as sweet as you!), and I was very occupied in looking at the costumes worn by the lady bicyclists. Many of the so-called knickerbocker costumes are so tight as to be positively indecent. However, those with voluptuous figures seem to think nothing of displaying themselves in this way and I observed that Madam was literally feasting her eyes on the bicyclists' wickedly revealed bottoms that looked so round and appetising! One of the girls whispered to me during our perambulations that the reason why bicycling has become so popular with the ladies is that the front point of the saddle creates a delicious friction between one's legs as you work your feet round and round on the pedals, and indeed I noticed one young lady looking very flushed as her feet worked faster. I am sure the naughty girl had a very moist pussy by then! Little did I know that I was to enjoy an even better “feeling” that evening, for as soon as I settled down in the “dorm” the other girls came in and asked me whether I had heard of their “Society of Lesbos.” At first I did not twig, I must say, and my expression told them so for they laughed. Which reminds me to tell you that almost all the girls here are English, and I realise why, for in view of what we “learn” I think it would be somewhat indiscreet for them to be closer to home where their Mamas and Aunts and others might prove too inquiring! Saying that I was willing to learn about their Society, I was told to get ready for bed just wearing my nightgown only and that they would all return in a little while. Of course I adore mysteries and so I was only too willing to comply for I knew I had nothing to fear from them. Madam does not allow any pranks here and is constantly alert for them. When they did return some fifteen minutes later- and I all of a wonder, as you can imagine-one of them locked the door and then all slipped off their peignoirs and revealed themselves completely naked except for the fact that each was wearing the most saucy patterned black stockings with tight rosetted garters which are very much a la mode here for they keep one's stockings taut and neat and so give the legs the most shapely lines.
One of the girls, whose name is Bertha-a most beautiful brunette with large round titties and a thick matt of dark curls around her quim-then approached me and gently removed my nightgown. Oh dear, Ethel, I have never used the word “quim” to you before but have learned it here! It means “pussy,” of course, but is preferred among the girls. As one said, it has a nice, tight, soft sound! So you see how wicked I am becoming-though really no more so than I have been with you. Immediately they saw me naked, their compliments were most flattering. “Her tummy is like a gentle slope of polished marble,” said one. “Did you ever see such exquisite, voluptuous thighs?” “Yes-and look at that adorable quim between them!”
“What pretty coral lips it has, and such a soft curling fringe of silky hairs!” All this being said and their words of praise raining upon me, I was made to lie back on my bed and my legs drawn slowly apart. I must confess to you that I felt a little tremulous at this, but thought it best to submit. The sight and nearness of five such lovely naked bodies around me and brushing against me made me feel terribly excited. “Now, darling,” said Bertha bending over me and kissing me full on the mouth, “keep your beautiful legs wide open and you will have the first of many naughty adventures that you are going to enjoy both with us and with some of our male admirers.”
Oh goodness, I could hardly believe such a thing, but even as she spoke Bertha slithered her warm tongue between my lips, sending delicious shivers through me. I felt its tip tickling and caressing that of my own in such a sensuous manner that I was soon ready for anything. Meanwhile, two of the other girls each bent over me and took one of my rosy nipples between her lips and commenced to suck upon them until they rose rigid with pleasure. I sighed my pleasure into Bertha's mouth and wound my arms around her neck as our tongues entwined. At that she began to roll me slowly over on to my hip whereat some very inquisitive hand began to explore the plump half-moons of my bottom, one forefinger caressing me so beguilingly there that I increased the flicking motion of my tongue around Bertha's. That pretty brunette was obviously delighted with my response for, as she later said to me, some new girls required to be seduced much more slowly and even sometimes fought a little, which gave an extra pleasure to her lovely conquerors once she was finally brought to submission. Now, however, I felt the disappointment of Bertha's lips leaving my own, but this was only momentary for her real desires, as I quickly discovered, were centred elsewhere. With a murmur of pleasure, while the others continued to play their lips and fingers over me, Bertha flung herself to the foot of the bed and moved her face up between my open thighs. In another instant I felt her long and ardent tongue flicking steadily against my clitoris, which the heady excitement of my “seduction” had erected to a quivering point.
I squealed with pleasure and tightened my thighs against her cheeks as that wicked tongue began to snake within and explore the inner recesses of my quim. So much did it stimulate me, making my bottom squirm with delight, that I implored the kisses of one of the other girls upon my mouth. No sooner asked than being done, my bottom cheeks began to bounce up and down with increasing desire. The adulation of Bertha's tongue combined then with one of her fingers inserting itself in my slit and the other-oh, most naughtily!-teasing around the rim of my bottomhole. All of a sudden a beautiful fire began to glow in my belly. All my supple curves were yielded to them, my mouth being kissed and my nipples sucked, so that only one of the five stood idle, though happily watching! I sobbed and sobbed then with increasing desire into the mouth of the sweet girl whose tongue was between my lips. I writhed, I moaned. Bertha increased her divine ministrations. Her little finger even dared to invade my tight bottomhole! Then an exquisite feeling of release came upon me and I spurted a fine long spray of “love's liquour” into Bertha's mouth, then slumped in a near-swoon of delight. When at last I “came to,” I was showered with kisses and congratulations by the girls who declared that the lasciviousness of my hips and the voluptuous contortions of my body had marked me out as a true member of their Society and that I was undoubtedly endowed by Nature to appreciate to the full the joys of sensuality. Recovering slowly as I did in a pink haze of pleasure, I begged Bertha to allow me to do to her what she had so blissfully done to me. In a moment she had straddled my face, presenting the rolled lips of her luscious pussy to my mouth in such a manner that-blissfully “blinded” as I was-I had but to clasp her svelte hips and sidle my tongue up into her receptive slit. Her ripe bottom quite bumped upon my nose as I did that, but I knew it to be a token of her enjoyment as I twirled my tongue. While we were doing this, the other girls fell upon the adjoining beds and indulged themselves in a similar exercise so that the whole dormitory was filled with lovely juicy slurping sounds! I am sure that you must be surprised, dear Ethel, with all that I have written and the very naughty words I have been using, but I swear to you that there is such an untold pleasure, in it all that I must convey it to you as my dearest, sweetest friend. Do not be shocked with me, will you? As soon as I am home during the vacances, I shall long to take your drawers down and explore all your own treasures, I do promise you that!
Since that night I have been very much more popular with the other girls who at first most amusingly thought me “pious.” Now that they have made sure that I am ready to be as naughty as they, they have thrown off all constraint. They keep the most wicked drawings, photographs and books locked up in their cabinets, the like of which I never knew existed. Some of the girls also keep a collection of the letters they receive from male admirers, and one has the very, very naughtiest of epistles from an uncle of hers who sometimes visits here and comes to see her privately. But there-I shall have much more to tell you about all these things soon, and so I remain your dear and loving friend who prays to hear from you so that she may know she is forgiven for her naughtiness.