Flossie in bondage
We entered the Palais D'Coite. It was a most attractive tavern with hotel atmosphere. Roland registered, then we were led to a "private dining room," that is, it was called that by the host. In reality it was a sumptuous bedroom with a table elaborately set for dinner. I was awe-struck by the dreamy affect in the appointment of the room.
At the end of this chamber, furthest from the door, was an inviting bed. How I would like to get laid in it, I thought. 9 Apparently this room was carefully made for fuckers only. The ceiling above the bed was mirrored! the foot and the head of the bed were similarly fitted.
Heavy damask drapes hung along side the bed.
They could be drawn and completely hide the bed. I presumed that this arrangement was made for bashful parties-carrees, or else to help muffle the lustful shrieks and cries of passion maddened fuckers.
Dim red lamps cast a sensuous glowing pallor throughout the room. With such atmosphere who would not become passionate? I know my cunt was glwing with the same red pallor of the room.
Evidently the dinner was arranged beforehand.
It was served as soon as I removed my white wrap and tam.
Roland locked and bolted the dors, then he kissed me with the fervor of youth in its wildest stage. I opened my dress so that he could obtain a more complete view of my, until-a-few-minutes-ago, virgin charms. He dashed his lips to my white, plump bubbies and tried to suck them thin. I was already hot enough to receive his bursting dick, but he spoke:
"First well drink a love potion and eat a hearty meal… it feels even better then/' "Why beloved, could anything feel any better than that we have both indulged in… it was so divinely heavenly," I looked at him with a hazy lustful expression in my eyes.
"With such alluring atmosphere and you, the zenith of seductiveness, I, in this room expect to reach the highest height of joys… the crowning fuck of my life," he spoke, poetically and in utmost sincerity.
He gripped me in his arms agai nand carressed me with artistic grace. It touched me as no other kiss ever did. Then we began our meal.
First we drang two delicious cocktails. They reminded me somewhat of my first dring with Don, my former flame; How different everything here was copared ti that dingy little speak-easy, and how different a girl I was then. He tried to put his hand on my knee then. I slapped his face and I cried. Nowt I dared anything! just to cool an itching pussie.
Funny isn't it, how a girl's morals change in so short time?