Audrey Gait
A sister's lust
Crystal Davis let out a startled squeak as her boyfriend reached out to massage the quivering round mounds of her beautiful buttocks. She set the steaming platter of spaghetti on the table and whirled around to glare at him in simulated shock.
“Jerry Lambert!” she snapped, trying to give him a stern, no-nonsense look. “Cut that out! You almost made me drop our dinner!”
“Then we would have had to go out to eat,” Jerry grinned, his blue eyes sparkling. “Or maybe we could have just settled for eating out right here. As a matter of fact, I’d like to eat you out, honey. That’d be even better than the spaghetti.”
“Ooooooh, Jerry!” she giggled.
“You… you’re just awful… you get me so flustered I just don’t know what to do!”
She flipped her long blonde hair back with her fingertips and glared at Jerry but the corners of her mouth started to turn up in a flattered grin. “Didn’t you have enough of that before dinner?” she pouted. “Sometimes I feel like I’m living with a genuine sex maniac with all the pinching and touching that goes on around here.”